About Us
Fred Niehaus is an Amateur (HAM) Radio Operator call sign N8CPI
His repeater is in Richfield Ohio on 442.55 MHz using 131.8 Hz tone
This web site is a place to host his email account and provide insight into subjects Fred cares to share with you.
If you spend some time clicking around here, you might figure out why he likes bluegrass music or Ham Radio or other topics he decides to blog about. We hope you find a little fun here and spend some time clicking around – it likely beats watching TV but probably not by much…
If you wish to email Fred use the following email address – He checks it every so often… [email protected]
Fred does not have a Facebook or MySpace page or any desire to join the social media madness… but we have conned him into writing stuff here once in awhile…
After all why host a website if you are not going to ever put anything on it?